Anyma Phi | Updates and Downloads

Anyma Phi | Updates and Downloads

Anyma Phi 1.2.1

New sounds

New sounds are available for your Anyma Phi in our Factory Bank.

Please note that the gray patches with “Ext” in their name require an external audio source connected to the line-in to work.

Factory Bank

Download the following bank and import it into your Anyma Phi using the PC/Mac editor to reset all its contents to the factory bank 

Update Files

Version 1.2.1 - Date : 2024-03-04

The update package contains the update file to transfer to your Anyma Phi, the current version of the manual, a readme.txt file with instructions, as well as the current version of the PC/Mac editor for your operating system.

If you don’t use macOS (10.9+), Windows (7+) or Linux, you can still update your Anyma Phi from any computer or tablet using any of the above packages, but you won’t be able to use the editor.

After updating, it’s important to turn your Anyma off and on twice.

Overview of the new features in version 1.2.x:

  • 2 New Physical Models: Brass and Free Reed
  • 4 Additional Virtual Analog OSC: CSAW (inspired by the CS80), MORPH (inspired by the Kobol), SAWSQR and SAWCOMB
  • 3 Additional Digital OSC: FM, SawFM (frequency modulation) and ZPDF (phase distorsion, inspired by the CZ series)
  • 2 New Physical-Modeling-oriented Effects: Comb filter and Filter bank
  • New presets are added to extend the factory bank in order to illustrate the possibilities of these modules

52 oscillators types, 35 FX module types and 46 modulator types.


This update is the result of months of hard work and testing, and we would like to thank all the people who participated in our beta program and made the product more stable, featureful, and enjoyable.

Previous updates and other useful files are listed here.

Getting help


Our forum is the main place to go. We all chat about our different uses of the Anyma Phi and the Sylphyo, as well as current advancements, together with the Aodyo team.

Customer support

If your Anyma Phi or Sylphyo doesn’t seem to work correctly, you seem to experience bugs, or you’ve seen something that could be improved, don’t hesitate to contact us directly by mail at

Special thanks to our early adopters, as well as all our beta testers, for their incredible support!

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