Electronic saxophone

The Sylphyo as an Electronic Saxophone or MIDI Saxophone

The shape and the playing posture used with the Sylphyo recalls those of soprano and sopranino saxophones, but it can become the electronic counterpart of any kind of saxophone, perfect for silent practice.

Its mouthpiece does not feature a reed, but the Sylphyo still allows you to easily achieve bends and vibrato effects. Its high-resolution breath sensor make it easy to perform saxophone-specific tonguing techniques for legato and staccato playing, as well as advanced breath techniques such as flutter-tonguing (Flatterzunge) or growl.

The electric saxophone fingerings

The Sylphyo has three fingerings adapted from the saxophone. The first one is based on the notes of the low register, from C to C, with two differences: doing an Eb requires using the left pinky key as there is no specific Eb key, and a Bb cannot be done using the bis key, as there is none on the Sylphyo. A second alternative fingering replaces the low C key (right pinky) with an Eb key, while playing a C can always be done by switching to the lower octave. Finally, a third alternative fingering uses the G# key (left pinky) to add a semitone to any fingering, thus covering a range of an octave and one semitone.

While it is tuned in C by default, the Sylphyo can also be tuned in Eb like a sopranino, alto or baritone saxophone, or in Bb like a soprano, tenor or bass saxophone.

Of course, the Sylphyo always has a note range of more than 5 octaves. As on the saxophone, the left thumb is in charge of the octave key, which is somehow massively enhanced on the Sylphyo thanks to Aodyo.

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