We are releasing the v1.1.0 update for your Anyma Phi. We added new synthesis features and created new sounds to take advantage of them.
Quick overview of one of the newly included WaveTable oscillator:
Overview of the new features:
4 New WaveTable OSC (WaveTable, 2D WaveTable, Interpolated WaveTable, 4-Voices WaveTable)
4 Additional Virtual Analog OSC (Folded Sine/Tri, Dual HardSync Osc, Triple Oscillator, SawSwarm)
Additional Noise OSC (circuit Bent Toy)
New LUT16 Modulator
“Other” oscillator category renamed as “Paraphony”
Modulator list reorganization (New LFO, Envelope & Sequencer categories)
Now available:
45 oscillators types, 34 FX module types, 47 modulator types.
10 new patches